MUME (October 28, 2022)
"An alphabet-guide for a 21st century art production"
Marko Dinic (guest writer)

For this edition, the Serbian-Austrian author Marko Dinic presents "An alphabet-guide for a 21st century art production", a project commissioned for the 14th edition of MUME. In "An alphabet-guide for a 21st century art production" Dinic associates the letters of the alphabet with ideas that theoretically function as an instructive for the artistic production of our time. The guide, however, seems at times to be either a story told in aphorisms or a critical manifesto on the author's own work. With animated stickers for WhatsApp, the alphabet-guide was then illustrated by MUME, which was distributed digitally, along with a reading and discussion of the alphabet on the opening day. Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Vienna. Alphabet available in link:



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